
About us

| Role | Where | Method | | — | — | — | | Outreach | https://www.fire2a.com | fire2a@fire2a.com | | User docs | https://fire2a.github.io/docs/ | github-issues “forum” | | documentacion usuarios | https://fire2a.github.io/documentacion/ | github-issues “forum” | | Algorithms docs | https://fire2a.github.io/fire2a-lib/ | Pull Requests | | Developer docs | https://www.github.com/fire2a | Pull Requests |

1. Cell2FireW:

2. Fire-ToolBox:

3. Algorithms-libs:

4. Documentation:

flowchart LR;
    id1((Fire2a))--simulate wildfires-->id2(Cell2FireW);
    id1--friendly graphical interface-->id3(QGIS proc.toolbox Plugin);
    id1--algorithms-->id4(Python Library);

Developer setup

  1. get QGIS
  2. get the repos
  3. symlink them
  4. run

    1. Get latest qgis

    • steps from https://qgis.org/resources/installation-guide/#debianubuntu
    • check your distro version $lsb_release -a, below is for Debian 12 (bookworm)
      sudo apt install gnupg software-properties-common
      sudo mkdir -m755 -p /etc/apt/keyrings  # not needed since apt version 2.4.0 like Debian 12 and Ubuntu 22 or newer
      sudo wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/qgis-archive-keyring.gpg https://download.qgis.org/downloads/qgis-archive-keyring.gpg
      # is the suite bookworm ?
      echo 'Types: deb deb-src
      URIs: https://qgis.org/debian
      Suites: bookworm
      Architectures: amd64
      Components: main
      Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/qgis-archive-keyring.gpg' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/qgis.sources
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install qgis qgis-plugin-grass

      2. Get Cell2Fire, python libs and QGIS toolboox-plugin


      choose install location

      fire=~/fire mkdir -p $fire

get cell2fireW

cd $fire git clone git@github.com:fire2a/C2F-W.git C2F sudo apt install g++-12 libboost-all-dev libeigen3-dev libtiff-dev cd C2F/Cell2Fire make

get python library

cd $fire sudo apt install python3-venv python3 -m venv venv –system-site-packages # needs system qgis packages source $fire/venv/bin/activate git clone git@github.com:fire2a/fire2a-lib.git lib cd lib pip install -r requirements.build.txt pip install -r requirements.code.txt pip install -r requirements.txt pip install –editable .

get toolbox

cd $fire git clone git@github.com:fire2a/fire-analytics-qgis-processing-toolbox-plugin.git toolbox

# 3. symlink them
# toolbox to QGIS plugins
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/
cd ~/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/
ln -s $fire/toolbox/fireanalyticstoolbox .

# c2f to toolbox
cd $fire/toolbox/fireanalyticstoolbox/simulator
ln -s $fire/C2F .

4. run

source $fire/venv/bin/activate
# install the toolbox plugin https://docs.qgis.org/3.4/en/docs/training_manual/qgis_plugins/fetching_plugins.html