A large-scale forest fire simulator.
No Matches
Cells Member List

This is the complete list of members for Cells, including all inherited members.

_ctr2ctrdist (defined in Cells)Cells
angleDict (defined in Cells)Cells
angleToNb (defined in Cells)Cells
area (defined in Cells)Cells
burntP (defined in Cells)Cells
Cells(int _id, double _area, std::vector< int > _coord, int _fType, std::string _fType2, double _perimeter, int _status, int _realId)Cells
coord (defined in Cells)Cells
distToCenter (defined in Cells)Cells
fireProgress (defined in Cells)Cells
fireStarts (defined in Cells)Cells
fireStartsSeason (defined in Cells)Cells
fType (defined in Cells)Cells
fType2 (defined in Cells)Cells
FTypeD (defined in Cells)Cells
get_burned(int period, int season, int NMsg, inputs df[], fuel_coefs *coef, arguments *args, weatherDF *wdf_ptr, bool &activeCrown, int perimeterCells)Cells
gMsgList (defined in Cells)Cells
gMsgListSeason (defined in Cells)Cells
harvested(int id, int period) (defined in Cells)Cells
harvestStarts (defined in Cells)Cells
hPeriod (defined in Cells)Cells
id (defined in Cells)Cells
ignition(int period, int year, std::vector< int > &ignitionPoints, inputs *df_ptr, fuel_coefs *coef, arguments *args, weatherDF *wdf_ptr, bool &activeCrown, int perimeterCells)Cells
initializeFireFields(std::vector< std::vector< int > > &coordCells, std::unordered_set< int > &availSet, int cols, int rows)Cells
manageFire(int period, std::unordered_set< int > &AvailSet, inputs df[], fuel_coefs *coef, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &coordCells, std::unordered_map< int, Cells > &Cells_Obj, arguments *args, weatherDF *wdf_ptr, std::vector< double > *FSCell, std::vector< float > *crownMetrics, bool &activeCrown, double randomROS, int perimeterCells, std::vector< int > &crownState, std::vector< float > &crownFraction, std::vector< float > &surfFraction, std::vector< float > &Intensities, std::vector< float > &RateOfSpreads, std::vector< float > &SurfaceFlameLengths, std::vector< float > &CrownFlameLengths, std::vector< float > &CrownIntensities, std::vector< float > &MaxFlameLengths)Cells
manageFireBBO(int period, std::unordered_set< int > &AvailSet, inputs *df_ptr, fuel_coefs *coef, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &coordCells, std::unordered_map< int, Cells > &Cells_Obj, arguments *args, weatherDF *wdf_ptr, std::vector< double > *FSCell, std::vector< float > *crownMetrics, bool &activeCrown, double randomROS, int perimeterCells, std::vector< float > &EllipseFactors, std::vector< int > &crownState, std::vector< float > &crownFraction, std::vector< float > &surfFraction, std::vector< float > &Intensities, std::vector< float > &RateOfSpreads, std::vector< float > &FlameLengths)Cells
perimeter (defined in Cells)Cells
print_info() (defined in Cells)Cells
realId (defined in Cells)Cells
rhoTheta(double theta, double a, double b)Cells
ros_distr(double thetafire, double forward, double flank, double back, double EFactor)Cells
ros_distr_old(double thetafire, double forward, double flank, double back)Cells
ros_distr_V2(double thetafire, double a, double b, double c, double EFactor)Cells
ROSAngleDir (defined in Cells)Cells
setStatus(int status_int)Cells
status (defined in Cells)Cells
StatusD (defined in Cells)Cells
tYears (defined in Cells)Cells