
👋🌎 🌲🔥 This is the raster module docstring

List all gdal available drivers: $ python -c "from osgeo import gdal;print(' '.join(sorted([gdal.GetDriver(i).GetDescription() for i in range(gdal.GetDriverCount())])))"

  2"""👋🌎 🌲🔥
  3This is the raster module docstring
  5List all gdal available drivers:
  6$ python -c "from osgeo import gdal;print('\n'.join(sorted([gdal.GetDriver(i).GetDescription() for i in range(gdal.GetDriverCount())])))"
  8__author__ = "Fernando Badilla"
  9__revision__ = "$Format:%H$"
 11import logging
 12from pathlib import Path
 13from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
 15import numpy as np
 16from osgeo import gdal, ogr
 17from qgis.core import QgsRasterLayer
 19from .utils import fprint, qgis2numpy_dtype
 21logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 24def id2xy(idx: int, w: int, h: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
 25    """Transform a pixel or cell index, into x,y coordinates.
 26    In GIS, the origin is at the top-left corner, read from left to right, top to bottom.  
 27    If your're used to matplotlib, the y-axis is inverted.  
 28    Also as numpy array, the index of the pixel is [y, x].
 30    Args:
 31        param idx: index of the pixel or cell (0,..,w*h-1)  
 32        param w: width of the image or grid  
 33        param h: height of the image or grid (not really used!)
 35    Returns:
 36        tuple: (x, y) coordinates of the pixel or cell  
 37    """  # fmt: skip
 38    return idx % w, idx // w
 41def xy2id(x: int, y: int, w: int) -> int:
 42    """Transform a x,y coordinates into a pixel or cell index.
 43    In GIS, the origin is at the top-left corner, read from left to right, top to bottom.  
 44    If your're used to matplotlib, the y-axis is inverted.  
 45    Also as numpy array, the index of the pixel is [y, x].
 47    Args:
 48        param x: width or horizontal coordinate of the pixel or cell  
 49        param y: height or vertical coordinate of the pixel or cell  
 50        param w: width of the image or grid  
 52    Returns:
 53        int: index of the pixel or cell (0,..,w\*h-1)
 54    """  # fmt: skip
 55    return y * w + x
 58def read_raster_band(filename: str, band: int = 1) -> tuple[np.ndarray, int, int]:
 59    """Read a raster file and return the data as a numpy array, along width and height.
 61    Args:
 62        param filename: name of the raster file  
 63        param band: band number to read (default 1)
 65    Returns:
 66        tuple: (data, width, height)
 68    Raises:
 69        FileNotFoundError: if the file is not found
 70    """  # fmt: skip
 71    dataset = gdal.Open(filename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
 72    if dataset is None:
 73        raise FileNotFoundError(filename)
 74    return dataset.GetRasterBand(band).ReadAsArray(), dataset.RasterXSize, dataset.RasterYSize
 77def read_raster(
 78    filename: str, band: int = 1, data: bool = True, info: bool = True
 79) -> tuple[Union[np.ndarray, None], Union[dict, None]]:
 80    """Read a raster file and return the data as a numpy array.
 81    Along raster info: transform, projection, raster count, raster width, raster height.
 83    Args:
 84        param filename: name of the raster file
 85        param band: band number to read (default 1)
 86        param data: if True, return the data as a numpy array (default True)
 87        param info: if True, return the raster info (default True)
 89    Return tuple: (data, info)
 90        data: numpy 2d array with the raster data
 91        info: dictionary with keys:
 92            - Transform: geotransform parameters
 93            - Projection: projection string
 94            - RasterCount: number of bands
 95            - RasterXSize: width of the raster
 96            - RasterYSize: height of the raster
 97            - DataType: data type of the raster
 98            - NoDataValue: no data value of the raster
 99            - Minimum: minimum value of the raster
100            - Maximum: maximum value of the raster
102    Raises:
103        FileNotFoundError: if the file is not found
104    """  # fmt: skip
105    dataset = gdal.Open(filename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
106    if dataset is None:
107        raise FileNotFoundError(filename)
108    raster_band = dataset.GetRasterBand(band)
109    data_output = raster_band.ReadAsArray() if data else None
111    if info:
112        rmin = raster_band.GetMinimum()
113        rmax = raster_band.GetMaximum()
114        if not rmin or not rmax:
115            (rmin, rmax) = raster_band.ComputeRasterMinMax(True)
117    info_output = (
118        {
119            "Transform": dataset.GetGeoTransform(),
120            "Projection": dataset.GetProjection(),
121            "RasterCount": dataset.RasterCount,
122            "RasterXSize": dataset.RasterXSize,
123            "RasterYSize": dataset.RasterYSize,
124            "DataType": gdal.GetDataTypeName(raster_band.DataType),
125            "NoDataValue": raster_band.GetNoDataValue(),
126            "Minimum": rmin,
127            "Maximum": rmax,
128        }
129        if info
130        else None
131    )
132    return data_output, info_output
135def get_geotransform(raster_filename: str) -> tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]:
136    """ Get geotransform from raster file.
137    Args:
138        raster_filename (str):
140    Returns:
141        tuple: geotransform
142        GT[0] x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel.
143        GT[1] w-e pixel resolution / pixel width.
144        GT[2] row rotation (typically zero).
145        GT[3] y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel.
146        GT[4] column rotation (typically zero).
147        GT[5] n-s pixel resolution / pixel height (negative value for a north-up image).
149    reference:
150    """  # fmt: skip
151    dataset = gdal.Open(raster_filename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
152    if dataset is None:
153        raise Exception(f"Data set is None, could not open {raster_filename}")
154    return dataset.GetGeoTransform()
157def transform_coords_to_georef(x_pixel: int, y_line: int, GT: tuple) -> tuple[float, float]:
158    """ Transform pixel coordinates to georeferenced coordinates.
159    Args:
160        x_pixel (int): x pixel coordinate.
161        y_line (int): y pixel coordinate.
162        GT (tuple): geotransform, see get_geotransform(filename)
164    Returns:
165        tuple: x_geo, y_geo.
167    reference:
168    """  # fmt: skip
169    x_geo = GT[0] + x_pixel * GT[1] + y_line * GT[2]
170    y_geo = GT[3] + x_pixel * GT[4] + y_line * GT[5]
171    return x_geo, y_geo
174def transform_georef_to_coords(x_geo: int, y_geo: int, GT: tuple) -> tuple[float, float]:
175    """Inverse of transform_coords_to_georef.
177    import sympy
178    a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, j, x, y = sympy.symbols('a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, j, x, y', real=True)
179    sympy.linsolve([a+i*b+j*c - x,d+i*e+j*f-y],(i,j))
180    {((-a*f + c*d - c*y + f*x)/(b*f - c*e), (a*e - b*d + b*y - e*x)/(b*f - c*e))}
182    Args:
183        x_geo (int): x georeferenced coordinate.
184        y_geo (int): y georeferenced coordinate.
185        GT (tuple): geotransform, see get_geotransform(filename)
187    Returns:
188        tuple: x_pixel, y_line.
190    TODO Raises:
191        Exception: if x_pixel or y_line are not integer coordinates. by tolerance?
193    reference:
194    """
195    a, b, c, d, e, f = GT
196    x, y = x_geo, y_geo
197    i, j = (-a * f + c * d - c * y + f * x) / (b * f - c * e), (a * e - b * d + b * y - e * x) / (b * f - c * e)
198    # if i % 1 != 0 or j % 1 != 0:
199    #     raise Exception("Not integer coordinates!")
200    return int(i), int(j)
203def get_rlayer_info(layer: QgsRasterLayer):
204    """Get raster layer info: width, height, extent, crs, cellsize_x, cellsize_y, nodata list, number of bands.
206    Args:
207        layer (QgsRasterLayer): A raster layer
208    Returns:
209        dict: raster layer info
210    """
211    provider = layer.dataProvider()
212    ndv = []
213    for band in range(1, layer.bandCount() + 1):
214        ndv += [None]
215        if provider.sourceHasNoDataValue(band):
216            ndv[-1] = provider.sourceNoDataValue(band)
217    return {
218        "width": layer.width(),
219        "height": layer.height(),
220        "extent": layer.extent(),
221        "crs":,
222        "cellsize_x": layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX(),
223        "cellsize_y": layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelY(),
224        "nodata": ndv,
225        "bands": layer.bandCount(),
226        "file": layer.publicSource(),
227    }
230def get_rlayer_data(layer: QgsRasterLayer):
231    """Get raster layer data (EVERY BAND) as numpy array; Also returns nodata value, width and height
232    The user should check the shape of the data to determine if it is a single band or multiband raster.
233    len(data.shape) == 2 for single band, len(data.shape) == 3 for multiband.
235    Args:
236        layer (QgsRasterLayer): A raster layer
238    Returns:
239        data (np.array): Raster data as numpy array
240        nodata (None | list): No data value
241        width (int): Raster width
242        height (int): Raster height
244    FIXME? can a multiband raster have different nodata values and/or data types for each band?
245    TODO: make a band list as input
246    """
247    provider = layer.dataProvider()
248    if layer.bandCount() == 1:
249        block = provider.block(1, layer.extent(), layer.width(), layer.height())
250        nodata = None
251        if block.hasNoDataValue():
252            nodata = block.noDataValue()
253        np_dtype = qgis2numpy_dtype(provider.dataType(1))
254        data = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np_dtype).reshape(layer.height(), layer.width())
255        # return data, nodata, np_dtype
256    else:
257        data = []
258        nodata = []
259        np_dtypel = []
260        for i in range(layer.bandCount()):
261            block = provider.block(i + 1, layer.extent(), layer.width(), layer.height())
262            nodata += [None]
263            if block.hasNoDataValue():
264                nodata[-1] = block.noDataValue()
265            np_dtypel += [qgis2numpy_dtype(provider.dataType(i + 1))]
266            data += [np.frombuffer(, dtype=np_dtypel[-1]).reshape(layer.height(), layer.width())]
267        # would different data types bug this next line?
268        data = np.array(data)
269        # return data, nodata, np_dtypl
270    return data
273def get_cell_sizeV2(filename: str, band: int = 1) -> tuple[float, float]:
274    # TODO: deprecate this function
275    _, info = read_raster(filename, band=band, data=False, info=True)
276    return info["RasterXSize"], info["RasterYSize"]
279def get_cell_size(raster: gdal.Dataset) -> tuple[float, float]:
280    """Get the cell size(s) of a raster.
283    Args:
284        raster (gdal.Dataset | str): The GDAL dataset or path to the raster.
286    Returns:
287        float | tuple[float, float]: The cell size(s) as a single float or a tuple (x, y).
288    """  # fmt: skip
289    if isinstance(raster, str):
290        ds = gdal.Open(raster, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
291    elif isinstance(raster, gdal.Dataset):
292        ds = raster
293    else:
294        raise ValueError("Invalid input type for raster")
296    # Get the affine transformation parameters
297    affine = ds.GetGeoTransform()
299    if affine[1] != -affine[5]:
300        # If x and y cell sizes are not equal
301        cell_size = (affine[1], -affine[5])  # Return as a tuple
302    else:
303        cell_size = affine[1]  # Return as a single float
305    return cell_size
308def mask_raster(raster_ds: gdal.Dataset, band: int, polygons: list[ogr.Geometry]) -> np.ndarray:
309    """Mask a raster with polygons using GDAL.
311    Args:
312        raster_ds (gdal.Dataset): GDAL dataset of the raster.
313        band (int): Band index of the raster.
314        polygons (list[ogr.Geometry]): List of OGR geometries representing polygons for masking.
316    Returns:
317        np.array: Masked raster data as a NumPy array.
318    """  # fmt: skip
320    # Get the mask as a NumPy boolean array
321    mask_array = rasterize_polygons(polygons, raster_ds.RasterXSize, raster_ds.RasterYSize)
323    # Read the original raster data
324    original_data = band.ReadAsArray()  #  FIXME: wrong type hint : int has no attribute ReadAsArray
326    # Apply the mask
327    masked_data = np.where(mask_array, original_data, np.nan)
329    return masked_data
332def rasterize_polygons(polygons: list[ogr.Geometry], width: int, height: int) -> np.ndarray:
333    """Rasterize polygons to a boolean array.
335    Args:
336        polygons (list[ogr.Geometry]): List of OGR geometries representing polygons for rasterization.
337        geo_transform (tuple): GeoTransform parameters for the raster.
338        width (int): Width of the raster.
339        height (int): Height of the raster.
341    Returns:
342        mask_array (np.array): Rasterized mask as a boolean array.
343    """  # fmt: skip
345    mask_array = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=bool)
347    # Create an in-memory layer to hold the polygons
348    mem_driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("Memory")
349    mem_ds = mem_driver.CreateDataSource("memData")
350    mem_layer = mem_ds.CreateLayer("memLayer", srs=None, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon)
352    for geometry in polygons:
353        mem_feature = ogr.Feature(mem_layer.GetLayerDefn())
354        mem_feature.SetGeometry(geometry.Clone())
355        mem_layer.CreateFeature(mem_feature)
357    # Rasterize the in-memory layer and update the mask array
358    gdal.RasterizeLayer(mask_array, [1], mem_layer, burn_values=[1])
360    mem_ds = None  # Release the in-memory dataset
362    return mask_array
365def stack_rasters(
366    file_list: list[Path], mask_polygon: Union[list[ogr.Geometry], None] = None
367) -> tuple[np.ndarray, list[str]]:
368    """Stack raster files from a list into a 3D NumPy array.
370    Args:
371        file_list (list[Path]): List of paths to raster files.
372        mask_polygon (list[ogr.Geometry], optional): List of OGR geometries for masking. Defaults to None.
374    Returns:
375        np.array: Stacked raster array.
376        list: List of layer names corresponding to the rasters.
377    """  # fmt: skip
378    array_list = []
379    cell_sizes = set()
380    layer_names = []
382    for raster_path in file_list:
383        layer_name = raster_path.stem
384        layer_names.append(layer_name)
386        ds = gdal.Open(str(raster_path))
387        if ds is None:
388            raise ValueError(f"Failed to open raster file: {raster_path}")
390        band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
392        if mask_polygon:
393            flatten_array = mask_raster(ds, band, mask_polygon)
394        else:
395            flatten_array = band.ReadAsArray()
397        array_list.append(flatten_array)
398        cell_sizes.add(get_cell_size(ds))
400    assert len(cell_sizes) == 1, f"There are rasters with different cell sizes: {cell_sizes}"
401    stacked_array = np.stack(array_list, axis=0)  #  type: np.array
402    print(stacked_array.shape)
403    return stacked_array, layer_names
406def write_raster(
407    data,
408    outfile="output.tif",
409    driver_name="GTiff",
410    authid="EPSG:3857",
411    geotransform=(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1),
412    nodata: int | None = None,
413    feedback=None,
414    logger=None,  # logger default ?
416    """Write a raster file from a numpy array.
418    To spatially match another raster, get authid and geotransform using:
419        from fire2a.raster import read_raster
420        _,info = read_raster(filename, data=False, info=True).
421        authid = info["Transform"]
422        geotransform = info["Projection"].
424    Args:
425        data (np.array): numpy array to write as raster
426        outfile (str, optional): output raster filename. Defaults to "output.tif".
427        driver_name (str, optional): GDAL driver name. Defaults to "GTiff".
428        authid (str, optional): EPSG code. Defaults to "EPSG:3857".
429        geotransform (tuple, optional): geotransform parameters. Defaults to (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1).
430        feedback (Optional, optional): object. Defaults to None.
431        logger ([type], optional): logging.logger object. Defaults to None.
432    Returns:
433        bool: True if the raster was written successfully, False otherwise.
434    """
436    try:
437        from fire2a.processing_utils import get_output_raster_format
439        driver_name = get_output_raster_format(outfile, feedback=feedback)
440    except Exception as e:
441        fprint(
442            f"Couln't get output raster format: {e}, defaulting to GTiff",
443            level="warning",
444            feedback=feedback,
445            logger=logger,
446        )
447        driver_name = "GTiff"
448    H, W = data.shape
449    ds = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver_name).Create(outfile, W, H, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
450    ds.SetGeoTransform(geotransform)
451    ds.SetProjection(authid)
452    band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
453    if 0 != band.WriteArray(data):
454        fprint("WriteArray failed", level="warning", feedback=feedback, logger=logger)
455        return False
456    if nodata and data[data == nodata].size > 0:
457        band.SetNoDataValue(nodata)
458        # TBD : always returns 1?
459        # if 0 != band.SetNoDataValue(nodata):
460        #     fprint("Set NoData failed", level="warning", feedback=feedback, logger=logger)
461        #     return False
462    ds.FlushCache()
463    ds = None
464    return True
467if __name__ == "__main__":
468    file_list = list(Path().cwd().glob("*.asc"))
469    print(file_list)
470    array = stack_rasters(file_list)
471    print(array)
logger = <Logger fire2a.raster (WARNING)>
def id2xy(idx: int, w: int, h: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
25def id2xy(idx: int, w: int, h: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
26    """Transform a pixel or cell index, into x,y coordinates.
27    In GIS, the origin is at the top-left corner, read from left to right, top to bottom.  
28    If your're used to matplotlib, the y-axis is inverted.  
29    Also as numpy array, the index of the pixel is [y, x].
31    Args:
32        param idx: index of the pixel or cell (0,..,w*h-1)  
33        param w: width of the image or grid  
34        param h: height of the image or grid (not really used!)
36    Returns:
37        tuple: (x, y) coordinates of the pixel or cell  
38    """  # fmt: skip
39    return idx % w, idx // w

Transform a pixel or cell index, into x,y coordinates. In GIS, the origin is at the top-left corner, read from left to right, top to bottom.
If your're used to matplotlib, the y-axis is inverted.
Also as numpy array, the index of the pixel is [y, x].

Args: param idx: index of the pixel or cell (0,..,w*h-1)
param w: width of the image or grid
param h: height of the image or grid (not really used!)

Returns: tuple: (x, y) coordinates of the pixel or cell

def xy2id(x: int, y: int, w: int) -> int:
42def xy2id(x: int, y: int, w: int) -> int:
43    """Transform a x,y coordinates into a pixel or cell index.
44    In GIS, the origin is at the top-left corner, read from left to right, top to bottom.  
45    If your're used to matplotlib, the y-axis is inverted.  
46    Also as numpy array, the index of the pixel is [y, x].
48    Args:
49        param x: width or horizontal coordinate of the pixel or cell  
50        param y: height or vertical coordinate of the pixel or cell  
51        param w: width of the image or grid  
53    Returns:
54        int: index of the pixel or cell (0,..,w\*h-1)
55    """  # fmt: skip
56    return y * w + x

Transform a x,y coordinates into a pixel or cell index. In GIS, the origin is at the top-left corner, read from left to right, top to bottom.
If your're used to matplotlib, the y-axis is inverted.
Also as numpy array, the index of the pixel is [y, x].

Args: param x: width or horizontal coordinate of the pixel or cell
param y: height or vertical coordinate of the pixel or cell
param w: width of the image or grid

Returns: int: index of the pixel or cell (0,..,w*h-1)

def read_raster_band(filename: str, band: int = 1) -> tuple[numpy.ndarray, int, int]:
59def read_raster_band(filename: str, band: int = 1) -> tuple[np.ndarray, int, int]:
60    """Read a raster file and return the data as a numpy array, along width and height.
62    Args:
63        param filename: name of the raster file  
64        param band: band number to read (default 1)
66    Returns:
67        tuple: (data, width, height)
69    Raises:
70        FileNotFoundError: if the file is not found
71    """  # fmt: skip
72    dataset = gdal.Open(filename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
73    if dataset is None:
74        raise FileNotFoundError(filename)
75    return dataset.GetRasterBand(band).ReadAsArray(), dataset.RasterXSize, dataset.RasterYSize

Read a raster file and return the data as a numpy array, along width and height.

Args: param filename: name of the raster file
param band: band number to read (default 1)

Returns: tuple: (data, width, height)

Raises: FileNotFoundError: if the file is not found

def read_raster( filename: str, band: int = 1, data: bool = True, info: bool = True) -> tuple[typing.Optional[numpy.ndarray], typing.Optional[dict]]:
 78def read_raster(
 79    filename: str, band: int = 1, data: bool = True, info: bool = True
 80) -> tuple[Union[np.ndarray, None], Union[dict, None]]:
 81    """Read a raster file and return the data as a numpy array.
 82    Along raster info: transform, projection, raster count, raster width, raster height.
 84    Args:
 85        param filename: name of the raster file
 86        param band: band number to read (default 1)
 87        param data: if True, return the data as a numpy array (default True)
 88        param info: if True, return the raster info (default True)
 90    Return tuple: (data, info)
 91        data: numpy 2d array with the raster data
 92        info: dictionary with keys:
 93            - Transform: geotransform parameters
 94            - Projection: projection string
 95            - RasterCount: number of bands
 96            - RasterXSize: width of the raster
 97            - RasterYSize: height of the raster
 98            - DataType: data type of the raster
 99            - NoDataValue: no data value of the raster
100            - Minimum: minimum value of the raster
101            - Maximum: maximum value of the raster
103    Raises:
104        FileNotFoundError: if the file is not found
105    """  # fmt: skip
106    dataset = gdal.Open(filename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
107    if dataset is None:
108        raise FileNotFoundError(filename)
109    raster_band = dataset.GetRasterBand(band)
110    data_output = raster_band.ReadAsArray() if data else None
112    if info:
113        rmin = raster_band.GetMinimum()
114        rmax = raster_band.GetMaximum()
115        if not rmin or not rmax:
116            (rmin, rmax) = raster_band.ComputeRasterMinMax(True)
118    info_output = (
119        {
120            "Transform": dataset.GetGeoTransform(),
121            "Projection": dataset.GetProjection(),
122            "RasterCount": dataset.RasterCount,
123            "RasterXSize": dataset.RasterXSize,
124            "RasterYSize": dataset.RasterYSize,
125            "DataType": gdal.GetDataTypeName(raster_band.DataType),
126            "NoDataValue": raster_band.GetNoDataValue(),
127            "Minimum": rmin,
128            "Maximum": rmax,
129        }
130        if info
131        else None
132    )
133    return data_output, info_output

Read a raster file and return the data as a numpy array. Along raster info: transform, projection, raster count, raster width, raster height.

Args: param filename: name of the raster file param band: band number to read (default 1) param data: if True, return the data as a numpy array (default True) param info: if True, return the raster info (default True)

Return tuple: (data, info) data: numpy 2d array with the raster data info: dictionary with keys: - Transform: geotransform parameters - Projection: projection string - RasterCount: number of bands - RasterXSize: width of the raster - RasterYSize: height of the raster - DataType: data type of the raster - NoDataValue: no data value of the raster - Minimum: minimum value of the raster - Maximum: maximum value of the raster

Raises: FileNotFoundError: if the file is not found

def get_geotransform(raster_filename: str) -> tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]:
136def get_geotransform(raster_filename: str) -> tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]:
137    """ Get geotransform from raster file.
138    Args:
139        raster_filename (str):
141    Returns:
142        tuple: geotransform
143        GT[0] x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel.
144        GT[1] w-e pixel resolution / pixel width.
145        GT[2] row rotation (typically zero).
146        GT[3] y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel.
147        GT[4] column rotation (typically zero).
148        GT[5] n-s pixel resolution / pixel height (negative value for a north-up image).
150    reference:
151    """  # fmt: skip
152    dataset = gdal.Open(raster_filename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
153    if dataset is None:
154        raise Exception(f"Data set is None, could not open {raster_filename}")
155    return dataset.GetGeoTransform()

Get geotransform from raster file. Args: raster_filename (str):

Returns: tuple: geotransform GT[0] x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel. GT[1] w-e pixel resolution / pixel width. GT[2] row rotation (typically zero). GT[3] y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel. GT[4] column rotation (typically zero). GT[5] n-s pixel resolution / pixel height (negative value for a north-up image).


def transform_coords_to_georef(x_pixel: int, y_line: int, GT: tuple) -> tuple[float, float]:
158def transform_coords_to_georef(x_pixel: int, y_line: int, GT: tuple) -> tuple[float, float]:
159    """ Transform pixel coordinates to georeferenced coordinates.
160    Args:
161        x_pixel (int): x pixel coordinate.
162        y_line (int): y pixel coordinate.
163        GT (tuple): geotransform, see get_geotransform(filename)
165    Returns:
166        tuple: x_geo, y_geo.
168    reference:
169    """  # fmt: skip
170    x_geo = GT[0] + x_pixel * GT[1] + y_line * GT[2]
171    y_geo = GT[3] + x_pixel * GT[4] + y_line * GT[5]
172    return x_geo, y_geo

Transform pixel coordinates to georeferenced coordinates. Args: x_pixel (int): x pixel coordinate. y_line (int): y pixel coordinate. GT (tuple): geotransform, see get_geotransform(filename)

Returns: tuple: x_geo, y_geo.


def transform_georef_to_coords(x_geo: int, y_geo: int, GT: tuple) -> tuple[float, float]:
175def transform_georef_to_coords(x_geo: int, y_geo: int, GT: tuple) -> tuple[float, float]:
176    """Inverse of transform_coords_to_georef.
178    import sympy
179    a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, j, x, y = sympy.symbols('a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, j, x, y', real=True)
180    sympy.linsolve([a+i*b+j*c - x,d+i*e+j*f-y],(i,j))
181    {((-a*f + c*d - c*y + f*x)/(b*f - c*e), (a*e - b*d + b*y - e*x)/(b*f - c*e))}
183    Args:
184        x_geo (int): x georeferenced coordinate.
185        y_geo (int): y georeferenced coordinate.
186        GT (tuple): geotransform, see get_geotransform(filename)
188    Returns:
189        tuple: x_pixel, y_line.
191    TODO Raises:
192        Exception: if x_pixel or y_line are not integer coordinates. by tolerance?
194    reference:
195    """
196    a, b, c, d, e, f = GT
197    x, y = x_geo, y_geo
198    i, j = (-a * f + c * d - c * y + f * x) / (b * f - c * e), (a * e - b * d + b * y - e * x) / (b * f - c * e)
199    # if i % 1 != 0 or j % 1 != 0:
200    #     raise Exception("Not integer coordinates!")
201    return int(i), int(j)

Inverse of transform_coords_to_georef.

import sympy a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, j, x, y = sympy.symbols('a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, j, x, y', real=True) sympy.linsolve([a+ib+jc - x,d+ie+jf-y],(i,j)) {((-af + cd - cy + fx)/(bf - ce), (ae - bd + by - ex)/(bf - ce))}

Args: x_geo (int): x georeferenced coordinate. y_geo (int): y georeferenced coordinate. GT (tuple): geotransform, see get_geotransform(filename)

Returns: tuple: x_pixel, y_line.

TODO Raises: Exception: if x_pixel or y_line are not integer coordinates. by tolerance?


def get_rlayer_info(layer: qgis._core.QgsRasterLayer):
204def get_rlayer_info(layer: QgsRasterLayer):
205    """Get raster layer info: width, height, extent, crs, cellsize_x, cellsize_y, nodata list, number of bands.
207    Args:
208        layer (QgsRasterLayer): A raster layer
209    Returns:
210        dict: raster layer info
211    """
212    provider = layer.dataProvider()
213    ndv = []
214    for band in range(1, layer.bandCount() + 1):
215        ndv += [None]
216        if provider.sourceHasNoDataValue(band):
217            ndv[-1] = provider.sourceNoDataValue(band)
218    return {
219        "width": layer.width(),
220        "height": layer.height(),
221        "extent": layer.extent(),
222        "crs":,
223        "cellsize_x": layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX(),
224        "cellsize_y": layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelY(),
225        "nodata": ndv,
226        "bands": layer.bandCount(),
227        "file": layer.publicSource(),
228    }

Get raster layer info: width, height, extent, crs, cellsize_x, cellsize_y, nodata list, number of bands.

Args: layer (QgsRasterLayer): A raster layer Returns: dict: raster layer info

def get_rlayer_data(layer: qgis._core.QgsRasterLayer):
231def get_rlayer_data(layer: QgsRasterLayer):
232    """Get raster layer data (EVERY BAND) as numpy array; Also returns nodata value, width and height
233    The user should check the shape of the data to determine if it is a single band or multiband raster.
234    len(data.shape) == 2 for single band, len(data.shape) == 3 for multiband.
236    Args:
237        layer (QgsRasterLayer): A raster layer
239    Returns:
240        data (np.array): Raster data as numpy array
241        nodata (None | list): No data value
242        width (int): Raster width
243        height (int): Raster height
245    FIXME? can a multiband raster have different nodata values and/or data types for each band?
246    TODO: make a band list as input
247    """
248    provider = layer.dataProvider()
249    if layer.bandCount() == 1:
250        block = provider.block(1, layer.extent(), layer.width(), layer.height())
251        nodata = None
252        if block.hasNoDataValue():
253            nodata = block.noDataValue()
254        np_dtype = qgis2numpy_dtype(provider.dataType(1))
255        data = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np_dtype).reshape(layer.height(), layer.width())
256        # return data, nodata, np_dtype
257    else:
258        data = []
259        nodata = []
260        np_dtypel = []
261        for i in range(layer.bandCount()):
262            block = provider.block(i + 1, layer.extent(), layer.width(), layer.height())
263            nodata += [None]
264            if block.hasNoDataValue():
265                nodata[-1] = block.noDataValue()
266            np_dtypel += [qgis2numpy_dtype(provider.dataType(i + 1))]
267            data += [np.frombuffer(, dtype=np_dtypel[-1]).reshape(layer.height(), layer.width())]
268        # would different data types bug this next line?
269        data = np.array(data)
270        # return data, nodata, np_dtypl
271    return data

Get raster layer data (EVERY BAND) as numpy array; Also returns nodata value, width and height The user should check the shape of the data to determine if it is a single band or multiband raster. len(data.shape) == 2 for single band, len(data.shape) == 3 for multiband.

Args: layer (QgsRasterLayer): A raster layer

Returns: data (np.array): Raster data as numpy array nodata (None | list): No data value width (int): Raster width height (int): Raster height

FIXME? can a multiband raster have different nodata values and/or data types for each band? TODO: make a band list as input

def get_cell_sizeV2(filename: str, band: int = 1) -> tuple[float, float]:
274def get_cell_sizeV2(filename: str, band: int = 1) -> tuple[float, float]:
275    # TODO: deprecate this function
276    _, info = read_raster(filename, band=band, data=False, info=True)
277    return info["RasterXSize"], info["RasterYSize"]
def get_cell_size(raster: osgeo.gdal.Dataset) -> tuple[float, float]:
280def get_cell_size(raster: gdal.Dataset) -> tuple[float, float]:
281    """Get the cell size(s) of a raster.
284    Args:
285        raster (gdal.Dataset | str): The GDAL dataset or path to the raster.
287    Returns:
288        float | tuple[float, float]: The cell size(s) as a single float or a tuple (x, y).
289    """  # fmt: skip
290    if isinstance(raster, str):
291        ds = gdal.Open(raster, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
292    elif isinstance(raster, gdal.Dataset):
293        ds = raster
294    else:
295        raise ValueError("Invalid input type for raster")
297    # Get the affine transformation parameters
298    affine = ds.GetGeoTransform()
300    if affine[1] != -affine[5]:
301        # If x and y cell sizes are not equal
302        cell_size = (affine[1], -affine[5])  # Return as a tuple
303    else:
304        cell_size = affine[1]  # Return as a single float
306    return cell_size

Get the cell size(s) of a raster. PLANNED DEPRECATION

Args: raster (gdal.Dataset | str): The GDAL dataset or path to the raster.

Returns: float | tuple[float, float]: The cell size(s) as a single float or a tuple (x, y).

def mask_raster( raster_ds: osgeo.gdal.Dataset, band: int, polygons: list[osgeo.ogr.Geometry]) -> numpy.ndarray:
309def mask_raster(raster_ds: gdal.Dataset, band: int, polygons: list[ogr.Geometry]) -> np.ndarray:
310    """Mask a raster with polygons using GDAL.
312    Args:
313        raster_ds (gdal.Dataset): GDAL dataset of the raster.
314        band (int): Band index of the raster.
315        polygons (list[ogr.Geometry]): List of OGR geometries representing polygons for masking.
317    Returns:
318        np.array: Masked raster data as a NumPy array.
319    """  # fmt: skip
321    # Get the mask as a NumPy boolean array
322    mask_array = rasterize_polygons(polygons, raster_ds.RasterXSize, raster_ds.RasterYSize)
324    # Read the original raster data
325    original_data = band.ReadAsArray()  #  FIXME: wrong type hint : int has no attribute ReadAsArray
327    # Apply the mask
328    masked_data = np.where(mask_array, original_data, np.nan)
330    return masked_data

Mask a raster with polygons using GDAL.

Args: raster_ds (gdal.Dataset): GDAL dataset of the raster. band (int): Band index of the raster. polygons (list[ogr.Geometry]): List of OGR geometries representing polygons for masking.

Returns: np.array: Masked raster data as a NumPy array.

def rasterize_polygons( polygons: list[osgeo.ogr.Geometry], width: int, height: int) -> numpy.ndarray:
333def rasterize_polygons(polygons: list[ogr.Geometry], width: int, height: int) -> np.ndarray:
334    """Rasterize polygons to a boolean array.
336    Args:
337        polygons (list[ogr.Geometry]): List of OGR geometries representing polygons for rasterization.
338        geo_transform (tuple): GeoTransform parameters for the raster.
339        width (int): Width of the raster.
340        height (int): Height of the raster.
342    Returns:
343        mask_array (np.array): Rasterized mask as a boolean array.
344    """  # fmt: skip
346    mask_array = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=bool)
348    # Create an in-memory layer to hold the polygons
349    mem_driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("Memory")
350    mem_ds = mem_driver.CreateDataSource("memData")
351    mem_layer = mem_ds.CreateLayer("memLayer", srs=None, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon)
353    for geometry in polygons:
354        mem_feature = ogr.Feature(mem_layer.GetLayerDefn())
355        mem_feature.SetGeometry(geometry.Clone())
356        mem_layer.CreateFeature(mem_feature)
358    # Rasterize the in-memory layer and update the mask array
359    gdal.RasterizeLayer(mask_array, [1], mem_layer, burn_values=[1])
361    mem_ds = None  # Release the in-memory dataset
363    return mask_array

Rasterize polygons to a boolean array.

Args: polygons (list[ogr.Geometry]): List of OGR geometries representing polygons for rasterization. geo_transform (tuple): GeoTransform parameters for the raster. width (int): Width of the raster. height (int): Height of the raster.

Returns: mask_array (np.array): Rasterized mask as a boolean array.

def stack_rasters( file_list: list[pathlib.Path], mask_polygon: Optional[list[osgeo.ogr.Geometry]] = None) -> tuple[numpy.ndarray, list[str]]:
366def stack_rasters(
367    file_list: list[Path], mask_polygon: Union[list[ogr.Geometry], None] = None
368) -> tuple[np.ndarray, list[str]]:
369    """Stack raster files from a list into a 3D NumPy array.
371    Args:
372        file_list (list[Path]): List of paths to raster files.
373        mask_polygon (list[ogr.Geometry], optional): List of OGR geometries for masking. Defaults to None.
375    Returns:
376        np.array: Stacked raster array.
377        list: List of layer names corresponding to the rasters.
378    """  # fmt: skip
379    array_list = []
380    cell_sizes = set()
381    layer_names = []
383    for raster_path in file_list:
384        layer_name = raster_path.stem
385        layer_names.append(layer_name)
387        ds = gdal.Open(str(raster_path))
388        if ds is None:
389            raise ValueError(f"Failed to open raster file: {raster_path}")
391        band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
393        if mask_polygon:
394            flatten_array = mask_raster(ds, band, mask_polygon)
395        else:
396            flatten_array = band.ReadAsArray()
398        array_list.append(flatten_array)
399        cell_sizes.add(get_cell_size(ds))
401    assert len(cell_sizes) == 1, f"There are rasters with different cell sizes: {cell_sizes}"
402    stacked_array = np.stack(array_list, axis=0)  #  type: np.array
403    print(stacked_array.shape)
404    return stacked_array, layer_names

Stack raster files from a list into a 3D NumPy array.

Args: file_list (list[Path]): List of paths to raster files. mask_polygon (list[ogr.Geometry], optional): List of OGR geometries for masking. Defaults to None.

Returns: np.array: Stacked raster array. list: List of layer names corresponding to the rasters.

def write_raster( data, outfile='output.tif', driver_name='GTiff', authid='EPSG:3857', geotransform=(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1), nodata: int | None = None, feedback=None, logger=None):
407def write_raster(
408    data,
409    outfile="output.tif",
410    driver_name="GTiff",
411    authid="EPSG:3857",
412    geotransform=(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1),
413    nodata: int | None = None,
414    feedback=None,
415    logger=None,  # logger default ?
417    """Write a raster file from a numpy array.
419    To spatially match another raster, get authid and geotransform using:
420        from fire2a.raster import read_raster
421        _,info = read_raster(filename, data=False, info=True).
422        authid = info["Transform"]
423        geotransform = info["Projection"].
425    Args:
426        data (np.array): numpy array to write as raster
427        outfile (str, optional): output raster filename. Defaults to "output.tif".
428        driver_name (str, optional): GDAL driver name. Defaults to "GTiff".
429        authid (str, optional): EPSG code. Defaults to "EPSG:3857".
430        geotransform (tuple, optional): geotransform parameters. Defaults to (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1).
431        feedback (Optional, optional): object. Defaults to None.
432        logger ([type], optional): logging.logger object. Defaults to None.
433    Returns:
434        bool: True if the raster was written successfully, False otherwise.
435    """
437    try:
438        from fire2a.processing_utils import get_output_raster_format
440        driver_name = get_output_raster_format(outfile, feedback=feedback)
441    except Exception as e:
442        fprint(
443            f"Couln't get output raster format: {e}, defaulting to GTiff",
444            level="warning",
445            feedback=feedback,
446            logger=logger,
447        )
448        driver_name = "GTiff"
449    H, W = data.shape
450    ds = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver_name).Create(outfile, W, H, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
451    ds.SetGeoTransform(geotransform)
452    ds.SetProjection(authid)
453    band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
454    if 0 != band.WriteArray(data):
455        fprint("WriteArray failed", level="warning", feedback=feedback, logger=logger)
456        return False
457    if nodata and data[data == nodata].size > 0:
458        band.SetNoDataValue(nodata)
459        # TBD : always returns 1?
460        # if 0 != band.SetNoDataValue(nodata):
461        #     fprint("Set NoData failed", level="warning", feedback=feedback, logger=logger)
462        #     return False
463    ds.FlushCache()
464    ds = None
465    return True

Write a raster file from a numpy array.

To spatially match another raster, get authid and geotransform using: from fire2a.raster import read_raster _,info = read_raster(filename, data=False, info=True). authid = info["Transform"] geotransform = info["Projection"].

Args: data (np.array): numpy array to write as raster outfile (str, optional): output raster filename. Defaults to "output.tif". driver_name (str, optional): GDAL driver name. Defaults to "GTiff". authid (str, optional): EPSG code. Defaults to "EPSG:3857". geotransform (tuple, optional): geotransform parameters. Defaults to (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1). feedback (Optional, optional): object. Defaults to None. logger ([type], optional): logging.logger object. Defaults to None. Returns: bool: True if the raster was written successfully, False otherwise.