A large-scale forest fire simulator.
No Matches
arguments Struct Reference

Public Attributes

std::string InFolder
std::string OutFolder
std::string WeatherOpt
std::string HarvestPlan
std::string Simulator
bool OutMessages
bool OutFl
bool OutIntensity
bool OutRos
bool OutCrown
bool OutCrownConsumption
bool OutSurfConsumption
bool Trajectories
bool NoOutput
bool verbose
bool IgnitionsLog
bool Ignitions
bool OutputGrids
bool FinalGrid
bool PromTuned
bool Stats
bool BBOTuning
bool AllowCROS
float ROSCV
float ROSThreshold
float CROSThreshold
float HFIThreshold
float HFactor
float FFactor
float BFactor
float EFactor
float FirePeriodLen
float CBDFactor
float CCFFactor
float ROS10Factor
float CROSActThreshold
int MinutesPerWP
int MaxFirePeriods
int TotalYears
int TotalSims
int NWeatherFiles
int IgnitionRadius
int seed
int nthreads
int FMC
int scenario
std::unordered_set< int > HCells
std::unordered_set< int > BCells

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