A large-scale forest fire simulator.
No Matches
FuelModelFBP.cpp File Reference
#include "FuelModelFBP.h"
#include "Cells.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
Include dependency graph for FuelModelFBP.cpp:


void calculate_fbp (inputs *data, fuel_coefs *pt, main_outs *at, snd_outs *sec, fire_struc *hptr, fire_struc *fptr, fire_struc *bptr)
void determine_destiny_metrics_fbp (inputs *data, fuel_coefs *pt, main_outs *metrics, fire_struc *metrics2)
void setup_const (fuel_coefs *ptr)
char get_fueltype_number (fuel_coefs **ptr, char fuel[4])
float ffmc_effect (float ffmc)
float rate_of_spread (inputs *inp, fuel_coefs *ptr, main_outs *at)
 Computes the rate of spread (ROS) for a given fire scenario.
float ros_calc (inputs *inp, fuel_coefs *ptr, float isi, float *mult)
float grass (fuel_coefs *ptr, float cur, float isi, float *mult)
float mixed_wood (fuel_coefs *ptr, float isi, float *mu, int pc)
float dead_fir (fuel_coefs *ptr, int pdf, float isi, float *mu)
float D2_ROS (fuel_coefs *ptr, float isi, float bui, float *mu)
float conifer (fuel_coefs *ptr, float isi, float *mu)
float bui_effect (fuel_coefs *ptr, main_outs *at, float bui)
float slope_effect (inputs *inp, fuel_coefs *ptr, main_outs *at, float isi)
float ISF_mixedwood (fuel_coefs *ptr, float isz, int pc, float sf)
float ISF_deadfir (fuel_coefs *ptr, float isz, int pdf, float sf)
float fire_intensity (float fc, float ros)
float foliar_moisture (inputs *inp, main_outs *at)
float surf_fuel_consump (inputs *inp)
float crit_surf_intensity (fuel_coefs *ptr, float fmc)
float critical_ros (char ft[3], float sfc, float csi)
float crown_frac_burn (float rss, float rso)
int fire_type (float csi, float sfi)
char fire_description (float cfb)
float final_ros (inputs *inp, float fmc, float isi, float cfb, float rss)
float foliar_mois_effect (float isi, float fmc)
float crown_consump (inputs *inp, fuel_coefs *ptr, float cfb)
float l_to_b (char ft[3], float ws)
void set_all (fire_struc *ptr, int time)
float backfire_isi (main_outs *at)
float backfire_ros (inputs *inp, fuel_coefs *ptr, main_outs *at, float bisi)
float area (float dt, float df)
float perimeter (fire_struc *h, fire_struc *b, snd_outs *sec, float lb)
float acceleration (inputs *inp, float cfb)
float flankfire_ros (float ros, float bros, float lb)
float flank_spread_distance (inputs *inp, fire_struc *ptr, snd_outs *sec, float hrost, float brost, float hd, float bd, float lb, float a)
float spread_distance (inputs *inp, fire_struc *ptr, float a)
int time_to_crown (float ros, float rso, float a)
float fire_behaviour (inputs *inp, fuel_coefs *ptr, main_outs *at, fire_struc *f)
float flank_fire_behaviour (inputs *inp, fuel_coefs *ptr, main_outs *at, fire_struc *f)
void zero_main (main_outs *m)
void zero_sec (snd_outs *s)
void zero_fire (fire_struc *a)


char version [50] = "Last modified June 2015, by BMW "
char ver [17] = "Version 5.0001 "
float slopelimit_isi = 0.01
int numfuels = 18

Function Documentation

◆ rate_of_spread()

float rate_of_spread ( inputs inp,
fuel_coefs ptr,
main_outs at 

Computes the rate of spread (ROS) for a given fire scenario.

Uses fuel, wind, and slope effects to determine the ROS based on input parameters.

inpPointer to input fire environment data.
ptrPointer to fuel coefficient data.
atPointer to output structure storing intermediate and final ROS values.
Computed rate of spread as a float. [GHISU20151]