Welcome to the Fire2a research group documentation, choose your component:

QGIS Fire Analytics Toolbox: Our research as user friendly graphical tools: Simulate wildfires, get risk metrics, optimize firebreak location, etc. All from within QGIS. Simple as filling a form. Also available: drag’n’drop boxes (algorithms) into a GIS-data-science-pipeline.

Cell2Fire++: Forest fire simulator (Forked) and improved (Here). Supports Canada, Kitral, S&B fuel models , surface and crown fire, deals with weather scenarios, surface and vegetation moisture content; various output metrics. Also enhances in memory management, platform support, etc. C++ only command line interface.

Algorithms Library of common tasks & patterns of GIS. Also showcasing proof of concepts and special algorithms developed such as landscape clustering, firebreak optimization allocation, downstream protection value, etc. A python package.

QGIS Cookbook: Install & setup guides, python environments, plugins and workflows examples.

QGIS dialog DEPRECATED: Simulate forest fires, get valuable metrics, in a user friendly graphical interface through QGIS. Not maintained

About us

We are a research group that seeks solutions to complex problems arising from the terrestrial ecosystem and its natural and anthropogenic disturbances, such as wildfires.

Currently hosted at ISCI offices.

Contact us at fire2a@fire2a.com.

Visit our public webpage.

fire2a jaimecarrasco lucasmurray97 FelipedlB fulloaf fdobad

Sigggma matisuno diegoteran99

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