Using Visual Studio to compile Cell2Fire for windows
Table of contents
Tested on Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Version 17.6.5
Get Visual Studio (Community), install Visual C++ Workflow
Get these libraries (download & un7zip them into any desired location like c:\dev
- dirent-1.23.2 :
- boost 1.81.0 :
- eigen 3.4.0 :
Setup the solution project
Open Visual Studio
If not found
:- Menu > File > New > Project from existing code
- Type : Visual C++
- Project file location: Cell2FireC
- Project name: Cell2Fire
Open Cell2Fire.sln
that should placed be next to .h
and .cpp
- MenuBar : Project > Properties
- ComboBox : Configuration : Release (then repeat with Debug)
Configuration Properties
- General > Target Name :
- C/C++ > AdditionalIncludeDirectories :
- C/C++ > Preprocessor > PreprocessorDefinitions :
- Debugging > Command Arguments :
--input-instance-folder C:/...repos/C2FSB/data/Hom_Fuel_101_40x40/ --output-folder C:/.../results/
- Linker > System > Subsystem :
- General > Target Name :
Adjust if they are not located at C:\dev
Debug phase
You can skip debug and go right to release if you haven’t made any changes.
Press play on Local Windows Debugger
, if any correct mistakes until you see a command window with:
------ Command line values ------
InFolder: C:\Users\ferna\source\fire2a\C2FSB\data\Hom_Fuel_101_40x40\
OutFolder: C:\Users\ferna\source\fire2a\C2FSB\data\Hom_Fuel_101_40x40\results
------------------Forest Data ----------------------
Forest DataFrame from instance C:\Users\ferna\source\fire2a\C2FSB\data\Hom_Fuel_101_40x40\Data.csv
Number of cells: 1600
Build Release
- Change Debug to Release (two comboboxes to the left from play button)
- MenuBar : Build > Configuration Manager
- Project contexts (check the project configuration to build or deploy)
- Configuration : Debug
- Close - MenuBar : Build > Clean Solution
- MenuBar : Build > Build Solution
Move back the created .exe
in x64/Release
to original solution directory.
Backup the original file.
test run
Open a command prompt, input:
> cd C2F
> python --input-instance-folder data\Homogeneous --output-folder data\Homogeneous\results --grids --final-grid --verbose --nsims 333
Should see the process Cell2Fire
using various CPUs on the monitor app.