Getting Help 🚑

How to reach us

  1. Public relations mail (ask to join our mailing list!) or linkedin.
  2. Chat with us at discord.
  3. Post a Github Issue

Before getting help checklist

  1. Avoid cloud drives and network shared folders
    • Use QGIS temporary outputs.
    • Create C:\local or ~/local folder for your work.
  2. Avoid funny characters ( ,á,é,í,ö, etc.) in directories, files and names.
  3. Avoid funny formats for rasters and vectors
    • Options > Processing > default raster & vector layers formats set to tif & gpkg respectively
    • Save all input and output layers in these formats.
  4. Update or reinstall -if apply:
    • Cell2FireW release
    • Algorithms Library: fire2a-lib package (further see into recreating the virtual environment)
    • QGIS Fire Analytics Toolbox Plugin.
  5. Update and restart: QGIS, your OS, your computer.
  6. Try again in a new, clean project; if the problem persist, gather these details:

Help message indispensables

  1. [If using] QGIS system info: Help > About > Copy to clipboard
  2. Your goal, expectations and unexpected behavior
  3. Clear steps to reproduce the issue (fullscreen video recording is a plus)
  4. Specific logs and error messages (full QGIS processing log is a plus)
  5. [If using] Other QGIS log messages: View > Panels > Log Messages (Plugins, Processing, Python, fire2a)
  6. [If using] Cell2FireW simulator, zip the input instance folder and attach it. If possible, the output log file.

Github Issues

  1. Cell2FireW
  2. QGIS Fire Analytics Toolbox
  3. Algorithms Library
  4. This very documentation